KDM Management Inc. Condominium Document Analysts review the facts and information found in the Condominium documents received. Our quick and easy to understand report gives the status of the common area conditions and if these are in line with the dollars saved to do major replacements in current and future years. Potential buyers will learn more about the corporation versus owner responsibilities and be able to make informed decisions about their purchase. Follow up questions are anticipated and welcome.

The Condominium Document Review Report requires approximately 4 to 8 business days to process. “Business days” refers to our regular office hours Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm excluding holidays. Reports are emailed when completed.

Condo document Management Alberta, condo document review Alberta

Condo Document Report


  • Received in 4 to 8 business days

Receive in 72 Hours – Doc Review Rush

$475 + $100

  • Received in 72 hours (from receipt of all required documents)