A (11) | B (6) | C (15) | D (2) | E (6) | F (5) | G (1) | I (4) | J (1) | L (2) | M (5) | P (5) | Q (2) | R (12) | S (3) | T (3) | U (1) | V (1) | W (1)

A legal grant of rights to a person or persons which allows the person to pass over property not owned by that person.

Effective Age

The difference between Useful Life and Remaining Useful Life of components in a Reserve Fund Study. Not always equivalent to chronological age, since some components age irregularly.

Engagement Letter

A letter spelling out the conditions under which an audit will be undertaken by the auditor.

Estoppel Certificate

A document issued under corporate seal by the Corporations under section 39 (6) certifying specific information concerning the status of contributions by the unit owner toward common expenses, which the Corporation is prevented or stopped from denying once issued.

Exclusive Use Areas

Parts of the common property whose use is restricted to the owners of one or more units, i.e.: balconies, parking stalls, lockers.

Extraordinary General Meeting (General Meeting)

A meeting of the owners called between annual general meetings, usually initiated by a Bylaw prescribed minimum percentage of unit owners.