A (11) | B (6) | C (15) | D (2) | E (6) | F (5) | G (1) | I (4) | J (1) | L (2) | M (5) | P (5) | Q (2) | R (12) | S (3) | T (3) | U (1) | V (1) | W (1)
Liability Insurance

Insurance obtained to protect the Corporation (and others) from costs of defending a lawsuit and paying any judgment awarded in lawsuits where others claim to have been injured (their body or reputation) or sustained losses caused by an action of the Corporation or Board.

Life Adjustment & Valuation

Adjustments made to the Useful Life, Remaining Useful Life, and Repair or Replacement Cost of each Reserve Fund components. These adjustments may be used on the findings of the Condition Assessment in Reserve Fund Studies.