A (11) | B (6) | C (15) | D (2) | E (6) | F (5) | G (1) | I (4) | J (1) | L (2) | M (5) | P (5) | Q (2) | R (12) | S (3) | T (3) | U (1) | V (1) | W (1)

The process of two or more people negotiating their own solution to a dispute with the assistance of a neutral party.


An official record of the business discussed and transacted at a meeting.

Mixed use Development

A Condominium complex that combines more than one Condominium style, such as residential, office and retail.


A conditional transfer of property pledged as security for the repayment of a loan.


A proposal formally made in a meeting, usually to take action, and upon which the others in the meeting will vote. Normally, a motion is phrased as: I move that we... Most motions are seconded and then discussed before the vote is taken.