A (11) | B (6) | C (15) | D (2) | E (6) | F (5) | G (1) | I (4) | J (1) | L (2) | M (5) | P (5) | Q (2) | R (12) | S (3) | T (3) | U (1) | V (1) | W (1)
Phased Development

Refers to the manner in which the developer completes and markets the Condominium development, usually meaning the developer builds and sells one part of the complex before completing the next part.

Physical Analysis

The portion of the Reserve Fund Study where the component inventory, condition assessment, and life adjustment and Valuation tasks are performed. This represents one of the two parts of the Reserve Fund Study.


A course or plan of action designed to influence future decision or actions.

Poll Vote

A vote by the owners, which is directed by the chairperson of the meeting and usually involves each entitled owner voting his or her share of the unit factors.


A document used to authorize an individual, other than the person entitled, to vote at meetings on that person's behalf. The proxy may be general in form or limited to a single meeting or issue.